Horizontal Counterblow Forging - Low Production Cost for High Volume Forging in the UK

By Brooks Forgings Ltd
schedule20th Jun 14

Horizontal Counterblow Forging is just one of many forging processes offered by Brooks Forgings Ltd.

This process can achieve a more uniform product, using less energy compared to other forging processes. High volume and consistent production of excellent quality forgings with improved lead times.

We believe that the introduction of Counterblow Forging will enable us to offer the lowest possible production cost for medium to high volume forging in the UK.

A forged billet with 6 component impressions (see below) takes only 15 seconds to produce, equating to a complete forged and clipped component every 2.5 seconds.

Counterblow forging machines operate on the basis that two bodies of equal mass are accelerated towards each other at the same speed. When they collide the reaction forces are equal and opposite to each other concentrating the complete absorption of energy within the bodies themselves. When forging stock is placed between the bodies, it is deformed by the impact energy created by the blow.

The impact energy is pre-set and is regulated by precise timing controls to provide consistent energy levels for metal deformation. Savings are made because only the required amount of energy is used for the size and complexity of the product being manufactured.

See the video on our YouTube Channel:  www.youtube.com/BrooksForgingsLtd
Visit our website: www.brooksforgings.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1384 563356     Fax: +44 (0)1384 563357